Bienvenue à mon jardin non secret!

I look around me and I realise there is always something else to see.

Same streets, same buildings, often same people, yet I see different things, feel different emotions. That's what makes every day a special moment in life and fills every morning with new hopes! Things are what you see in them!

I share here with you what I choose to see, and what I wish to make visible.

There are days when each person I meet, especially the people I have to mix with on a daily basis, take on the significance of symbols, either isolated or connected, which come together to form occult or prophetic writings, shadowy descriptions of my life. The office becomes the page on which the people are the words; the street is a book; words exchanged with acquaintances, encounters with strangers are sayings that appear in no dictionary but which my understanding can almost decipher. F. Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet

Sunday 19 September 2010

L'Art et le Rêve

L’artiste transforme la matière brute et crée des images très précieuses de la réalité. Tout comme les rêves, ce sont des satisfactions imaginaires de désirs inconscients, , mais à l’inverse des productions narcissiques du rêve, les créations artistiques autorisent le lecteur, le spectateur ou l’auditeur à jouir désormais de ses propres fantaisies sans reproche, et sans honte.